
of Holz House company


Experience since 1998






  • Deliveries to more than 15 regions of Russia, 5 countries of CIS and the European Union;
  • Successful implementation of priority investment projects in the field of added-value wood processing;
  • Construction departments in Moscow, * St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kirov.




The best boreal timber of Kirov region







  • Own felling-area resources with the area of 90 thousand hectares of forest in the north of the Kirov region;
  • Annual development of 200 thousand cubic meters of wood.




Certified production of the European level






  • Own logging site equipped with John Deere complexes;
  • Sawing production on the basis of the chipper-canter line by EWD;
  • Two glued laminated lumber production plants with the equipment of leading European manufacturers;
  • Certificate of compliance EN 14080: 2013 of Austrian Forest Products Research Society "Holz Forschung".




Output quality control







  • Certification of glued laminated lumber in accordance with GOST 20850-2014 and TU 5366-001-84551923-2015;
  • Application of high-quality adhesive compounds produced by Akzo Nobel (Sweden);
  • Conducting all necessary tests for glued products in our own certified laboratory










  • Providing maximum service to our customers;
  • Clarity and apprehensibility of design, estimate and contractual documentation;
  • Presence of impartial engineering supervision at the construction site




Professional team







  • All company specialists have higher technical or construction engineering education;
  • Regular qualification upgrading courses for all employees;
  • Formidable work experience of all key specialists in timber and construction sectors




Own architectural department






  • Design of buildings and structures with maintaining the balance between strength, practicality, comfort and, most importantly, their final cost




Thanks to the team's professionalism and clear organization of all processes, Holz House fulfills its obligations strictly on time. Stable work since 1998 in the market of wooden housing construction makes our company a reliable supplier and contractor.





Выбор региона

Респ АдыгеяРесп БашкортостанРесп БурятияРесп АлтайРесп ДагестанРесп ИнгушетияРесп Кабардино-БалкарскаяРесп КалмыкияРесп Карачаево-ЧеркесскаяРесп КарелияРесп КомиРесп Марий ЭлРесп МордовияРесп Саха /Якутия/Респ Северная Осетия - АланияРесп ТатарстанРесп ТываРесп УдмуртскаяРесп ХакасияРесп ЧеченскаяЧувашская Республика - ЧувашияАлтайский крайКраснодарский крайКрасноярский крайПриморский крайСтавропольский крайХабаровский крайАмурская облАрхангельская облАстраханская облБелгородская облБрянская облВладимирская облВолгоградская облВологодская облВоронежская облИвановская облИркутская облКалининградская облКалужская облКамчатский крайКемеровская область - КузбассКировская облКостромская облКурганская облКурская облЛенинградская облЛипецкая облМагаданская облМосковская облМурманская облНижегородская облНовгородская облНовосибирская облОмская облОренбургская облОрловская облПензенская облПермский крайПсковская облРостовская облРязанская облСамарская облСаратовская облСахалинская облСвердловская облСмоленская облТамбовская облТверская облТомская облТульская облТюменская облУльяновская облЧелябинская облЗабайкальский крайЯрославская облг Москваг Санкт-ПетербургЕврейская АоблНенецкий АОХанты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АОЧукотский АОЯмало-Ненецкий АОРесп Крымг Севастопольг Байконур




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