
 Holz House company news.


The main aim of the inspector is to revise the production process of the Holz House and quality conformance of our products to the European standard EN14080.

Now, it is time for the new verification of production, so auditor of the Research Institute of woodworking industry of Austria "Holz Forschung", Bernhardt Kraus came to the plant in Darovskaya Kirovskaya region on the 21st of May.



Visit of Kirov delegation in Finland school made of glued timber

The Government of Kirovskaya region actively explores the programmes of improving the quality of education as well as the projects of building of wooden schools.



Foreign business partners have visited the Holz House production site in Luza monotown

Representatives of Italian companies such as “BALCONI” and “LECOFER” and business partners from the South Korea have come to look at the new production of glued timber and logging of our company.



Holz House took part in RosBuild 2019

Holz House, one of Russia's largest manufacturers of kit houses of glued laminated timber, which has been successfully operating on the market for over 20 years, took part in the “Wooden House Building” Salon at the RosBuild 2019 exhibition.



Holz House is preparing to open a new production

Holz House is preparing to open a new modern production of houses made of glued laminated timber and glued structural beams, on the territory of its 3rd plant, located in the monotown Luza, Kirov.



New exhibition with Holz House in St. Petersburg

Holz House takes part in the largest real estate exhibition in Russia, Real Estate Fair.

The event takes place from March 29 to March 31, 2019 at the EXPOFORUM exhibition center, St. Petersburg.



Replenishment in the machine tools park Holz House arrived!

The company bought and delivered to the factory a woodworking center Abbundmaschine K2i, produced by the world famous German company Hans Hundegger.



"DREVOLUTION" in partnership with Holz House. A detailed press release.

This summer, a workshop on modern wooden architecture, the DREVOLUTION went to the Astashovo tower, rebuilt in an abandoned Galich on the border with the boundless Forest.



Cluster of wooden house construction and deep wood processing in the Kirov region

On the website of the government of the Kirov region, an order was published to establish a working group for the creation of a cluster of wooden housing construction and enterprises for deep processing of timber in the Kirov region.



Holz House - General Partner of "DREVOLUTION"

Holz House became the general partner of the PRACTICUM FOR THE MODERN WOOD ARCHITECTURE "DREVOLUTION".






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