Product price

glued laminated lumber and laminated beam by Holz House



Content and cost of the house construction set made of glued laminated lumber




HOLZ HOUSE produces laminated veneer lumber for the construction of houses. The house made of glued laminated lumber includes a set of parts (construction set), ready for the assembly at your site.* Notching of all joints in the lumber provided by the project is performed on the CNC equipment, i.e. "Krusimatic G-1" (Switzerland), Krusi (Switzerland) and STROMAB Autoblox (Italy). Control files are created in the licensed software K3-Cottage (Russia) and a CAD-program Cadwork (Switzerland). Application of these software products makes it possible to produce parts of house sets with a high prefabrication and accuracy. This, in turn, guarantees tight connections without drafts, the use of additional finishing of joints is not required and allows the building to be constructed as quickly and as qualitatively as possible.




Price of 1 cubic meter includes: 




• Preservative treatment of wood to prevent the appearance of bluestain, fungi and molding ("Remmers" manufactured in Germany).
• Treatment of ends against cracking ("Teknos" – produced in Finland).
• Cutting of all parts of a house and timberwork joints (notches) according to your design.
• Drilling holes D-28 mm for mounting studs.
• Drilling holes D-28 mm for conceal wiring installation.
• Packaging in special breathable film to protect against precipitation.
• Loading of pallets in vehicles.




Price of main parts of the house construction set (in Russia) 




Section, mm

Price per 1 m3, RUB


Glued laminated lumber size:

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Glued laminated lumber size:

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Glued laminated lumber size:

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Glued laminated lumber size:

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Glued laminated lumber simulation

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Glued laminated lumber simulation

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Glued laminated lumber simulation

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Price of Fachwerk style house set (in Russia)




Set type

Price per 1 m3, RUB


Fachwerk style house set  

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The maximum length of house parts is 12 meters. It is possible to combine different thicknesses of lumber (external and internal walls) in one project with no cost increase.




Price of laminated structural beam (in Russia)




Section, mm

Price per 1 m3, RUB


Laminated beam size:

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Laminated beam size:

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Laminated beam size:

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Laminated beam size:

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Laminated beam size:

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Laminated beam size:

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Laminated beam size:

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The maximum length of laminated structural beams is 13.5 meters. It is possible to produce laminated beams up to 2000 mm in height.


Выбор региона

Респ АдыгеяРесп БашкортостанРесп БурятияРесп АлтайРесп ДагестанРесп ИнгушетияРесп Кабардино-БалкарскаяРесп КалмыкияРесп Карачаево-ЧеркесскаяРесп КарелияРесп КомиРесп Марий ЭлРесп МордовияРесп Саха /Якутия/Респ Северная Осетия - АланияРесп ТатарстанРесп ТываРесп УдмуртскаяРесп ХакасияРесп ЧеченскаяЧувашская Республика - ЧувашияАлтайский крайКраснодарский крайКрасноярский крайПриморский крайСтавропольский крайХабаровский крайАмурская облАрхангельская облАстраханская облБелгородская облБрянская облВладимирская облВолгоградская облВологодская облВоронежская облИвановская облИркутская облКалининградская облКалужская облКамчатский крайКемеровская область - КузбассКировская облКостромская облКурганская облКурская облЛенинградская облЛипецкая облМагаданская облМосковская облМурманская облНижегородская облНовгородская облНовосибирская облОмская облОренбургская облОрловская облПензенская облПермский крайПсковская облРостовская облРязанская облСамарская облСаратовская облСахалинская облСвердловская облСмоленская облТамбовская облТверская облТомская облТульская облТюменская облУльяновская облЧелябинская облЗабайкальский крайЯрославская облг Москваг Санкт-ПетербургЕврейская АоблНенецкий АОХанты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АОЧукотский АОЯмало-Ненецкий АОРесп Крымг Севастопольг Байконур




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