Igor Vasiliev visited the production of Holz House

July 29, 2017


On Saturday, July 29, within the framework of a working visit to the Darovsky district Igor Vasiliev, the interim governor of the Kirov region, visited one of the largest Russian enterprises for the production of houses from glued laminated timber - the Holz House plant. On the territory in the urban-type settlement Darovskoy, the investor implemented the priority investment project "Organization of timber harvesting and complex timber processing: the creation of production of wooden houses from glued laminated timber", LLC "Stroiles" (Holz House trade mark), which, by the order No.155 dated September 24, 2008, of the Ministry of Industry and trade of the Russian Federation, has been included in the list of priority, and today are producing ready-made sets of houses from glued laminated timber and fuel pellets. The modern plant is built on the site of a bankrupt forestry enterprise (the property of the bankrupt company was bought back by the investor in 2008).




The head of the enterprise told the regional head about the current work of the enterprise. Currently, the production capacity allows the company to produce more than 26 thousand cubic meters of glued laminated timber per year, 5,500 tons of fuel pellets, 10 thousand cubic meters of sawn timber. In addition, the company has organized its own logging operations, with a capacity of more than 100,000 cubic meters of timber per year, that allows them to harvest timber on rented forest plots for the implementation of the investment project. Today, the total number of employees who work only at the plant and at related industries in urban-type settlement Darovskoy, more than 250 people.




At the enterprise, Igor Vasiliev examined the workshop for the production of glued laminated timber, a line for the production of fuel pellets. He saw "from" and "untill" the entire technological process, appreciated the quality of products, asked the employees about the working conditions, relations with the management.








While communicating with the workers, he managed to answer a number of questions from the journalist of the newspaper Business News (Kirov):


- Igor Vladimirovich, Darovskoy is located far from Kirov, at a distance of more than 180 km. Luza is more than 400 km from the regional center. In both regions, the investor - the Holz House company - built two modern woodworking plants. At the same time, many potential investors for the creation of production sites are looking for territories located closer to Kirov. Do the authorities in the region planning to assist and support investors entering remote and hard-to-reach areas?


- The investor chooses a platform for creating production himself, this is the first. Secondly, we are interested in creating jobs where people live, where there are conditions for this. And we must ensure these conditions - to build roads, create infrastructure, provide work of social sphere. If the investor decided here in Darovsky to create an enterprise that employs more than 250 people today, how can we support it? By the fact that the taxes that he pays us will be honestly sent to medicine, to roads, to education for this territory and so on. Only public-private partnership, how else?


- You got acquainted with the work of the enterprise, saw the production processes from within. I would like to hear your opinion about the plant's work in the urban-type settlement Darovskoy?
- At first impression - a good enterprise. I see that literate people work here, who value their profession. The fact that the plant works on Saturday and Sunday, there is a download, no one complains about the lack of orders, wages - it's great. It makes me happy.


- Currently, there is much talk about the broad prospects of wooden housing construction. Is there a future for the industry in the Kirov region?


- We live in a forest region, we have an inexpensive land. It is appropriate to consider in wooden execution projects for the construction of feldsher-midwife station, offices of general practitioners, kindergartens and small local schools (I speak of small, single-floor, up to 300 people). We need to work together, including the government of the Russian Federation, to revise the standards, SNIPs taking into account the wooden housing construction. It is not the same in quality as it was before. We told now, that young families are allocated 300 cubic meters of forest for housing construction. What will they do with them? Better  will be to give it here, and families are invited to choose of 3-4 projects, right? Therefore, wooden housing construction - is ours, and they need to be engaged.







Brief information: The project "Organization of timber harvesting and complex timber processing: creation of a production of wooden houses from glued laminated timber" LLC Stroiles (TM Holz House) by order No. 155 dated September 24, 2008 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is included in the list priority. Its cost was 358 million rubles.






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