Holz House - the organizer of the forum "Day of wooden house-building" in Kirov

August 11, 2017


Organized by the Holz House company,  forum "the Day of Wooden Housing", in the contest  "Logger 2017" competition, has become a platform for a lively exchange of views between industrialists, architects and government representatives. The ideas expressed during the presentations and discussions can become the fundament for a whole number of a projects in the scientific, cultural and business spheres.



August 11 in the regional center took place the first  forum, which brought together professionals from different fields of activity. All of them in one way or another are united by their connection with the forest. The scale of the forum indicates that the forestry sector of the Kirov region has emerged from the shadow of oblivion and is indeed capable of becoming a driver of growth in the most diverse spheres of Vyatka society. At the opening of the forum, representatives of the regional government expressed the hope that the Forest Forum will become an annual traditional event.



The further work of the forum confirmed that there are a lot of spheres, cooperation in which can give a serious impetus to the development of the region. Create a new, modern, progressive look for the region and industry. The most vividly cooperation's potential was demonstrated during the work of the section of wooden housing construction, organized and conducted by the Holz House Company.



Especially for this purpose, a huge pavilion of glued laminated timber was erected on the Theater Square of Kirov for four days. Under the roof of this building were gathered lumbermen, specialists of branch organizations, state, as well as architects, thanks to the creativity of which the forestry sector reaches an absolutely different quality level - on the level of high technologies and art.



Moscow architect Ivan Ovchinnikov demonstrated a number of his own projects and projects of fellow architects from different countries who actively use wooden structures in their creative work. His story was a clear demonstration of the fact that the tree is alive and surprisingly plastic material. It allows you to create not only traditional houses, but also modern, non-linear, avant-garde solutions. Ivan and other Moscow experts who arrived also spoke about projects for beginner architects and designers, within the framework of which those in practice can realize their creative ideas and get acquainted with such material as wood.



The moderator of the action, the Minister of Forestry of the Kirov region Vladimir Tyurin and the representatives of the city of Luza who were present at the discussion immediately suggested organizing the next creative symposium of architects in our region. It should be recalled that in the future Luza, where the company "Holtz House" is now implementing a large-scale investment project, is seen by it's residents, as the center for the development of wooden architecture.



Another interesting idea of ​​the interaction of forest business with other spheres of life was born during the report of the representative of Akzo Nobel in Russia Maxim Molchanov. He demonstrated a number of already implemented projects of huge public buildings, in which wooden bearing structures were used.

During the discussion that arose after his speech, it became clear that in Russia there is only one scientific group capable of designing such objects.

- At now we have a large project of an office building  at 3500 square meters. When we came with our project to these Moscow specialists, we were shown a pile of orders, including the Grozny dolphinarium. This seriously delayed the process, part of the design work had to take on our designers. But thanks to this they have gained their own experience, - said CEO of the company "Holtz House" Nikolai Yuferev.



Immediately on the spot an idea to create on the basis of the Vyatka State University the competences center in the sphere of designing of large wooden bearing structures. Nikolai YUferev and other business representatives supported this initiative and noted that this could become a powerful incentive for the development of high-tech enterprises of the forestry sector of the region and their consolidation in the Russian and world market of wooden housing construction.



After the discussion at the stand, organized by Holtz House, the correspondent of Navigator asked the director of the federal Association of Wooden Housing of the Russian Federation Oleg Panitkov to assess the role of our region in the development of this industry in the country as a whole.

- The Kirov region is one of the key places in the sphere of wooden housing construction in Russia. It so happened that in the region the production capacities of a number of serious enterprises operating in our sphere are concentrated. If in other areas leading positions in the timber industry complex are held by giants like the pulp and paper mill, then in the Kirov region there are many high-tech medium-sized enterprises such as Holtz House. They develop themselves or bring to the country from abroad new interesting technologies in the sphere of wooden housing construction. The combination of enterprising small and medium-sized businesses and excellent forest resources make the Kirov region a key region for the development of wooden housing construction- noted the federal expert.



Oleg Panitkov also has a willingness to support at the federal level those initiatives, who were born at a symposium organized by Holtz House.



A small video report about the event:


Forum Day of Wooden House Building with Holz House.

Forum "Day of Wooden House Building" with Holz House.





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