The first Kirov enterprise received funding from the Monotowns Development Fund

September 29, 2017


September 25, 2017, it was decided to satisfy the application of LLC Holtz House, on the allocation of a loan in the amount of 174 million rubles. We believe that obtaining concessional financing is a serious plus for the company, which now directs almost all the resources for the implementation of the priority investment project in Luza monotown. The fund declares that the funds for companies operating in mono-towns are allocated at 5% per annum, for a period of up to eight years. Since loans are of an investment nature, the Monotown Development Fund also grants a grace period of up to three years.


Holtz House LLC is the first company and so far the only company approved by the MDF in the Kirov region, because it is needed to have a very good level of internal organization, to meet the requirements of fund's reporting, financial model, business plans, etc.


Commenting on this, undoubtedly, an important event for Holz House, Nikolai Yuferev, CEO of the company, drew attention to the following:

 - When preparing the application, we were tuning in to a slightly more complex procedure for obtaining a loan. In fact, it turned out that this procedure is quite simple, understandable and positive-oriented to business. The quality of work and professionalism of the fund's employees did not raise any doubts at all. We have traveled all the way from the application, before receiving a loan, and are now open and ready to help with consultations on preparing documents for financing other enterprises that are implementing, or plan to implement investment projects in single-industry towns.

Nikolay YUpherev also noted that raising funds on favorable terms will allow completing the plant and proceeding with the production and sale of the final products on the site in Luza earlier than the investment project's deadline. Recall, the construction of a new factory LLC "Holtz House" is carried out on the basis of a priority investment project.







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