Round table "What is needed for the quality of modern wooden architecture?". Moscow. "Gostiny Dvor". October 7, 2017.

October 2, 2017



Nikolai Yuferev, CEO of Holz House, will take part in the round-table, called "What is needed for the quality of modern wooden architecture?", which will be held on October 7 at 12:00 in the Gostiny Dvor, in the Lecture Hall.


The organizers of the round-table are the Workshop on Modern Wooden Architecture "Drevolution" and the Association of Wooden House Building, curator - Nikolay Belousov, project manager - Olga Starkova, moderator - Vladimir Neskoromny (Wood Focus).


The thematic round table will be attended by more than 10 speakers, the most respected experts in the industry, including:


• Oleg Panitkov, General Director of the Association of Wooden House Building

• Totan Kuzebayev, architect

• Roman Leonidov, architect

• Alexander Kuptsov, architect

• Nikolay Yuferev, HolzHouse

• Andrey Zhilkin, MCD

• Alexander Dubovenko, GoodWood

• Semyon Goglev, Norveks


The event is held within the framework of the Anniversary XXV International Festival "Architecture 2017", in the exhibition complex Gostiny Dvor, from October 5 to 7, 2017. The founder of the Festival is the Union of Architects of Russia. The festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Government of the Russian Federation,The Government of Moscow, the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow, public and business circles of Russia.








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