"Beautiful houses. Russian Architectural Salon ", in" Crocus Expo ", in Moscow city.

October 9, 2017


Among the many exhibitions, the most significant, most large-scale and most authoritative exhibition in the country in terms of our activity profile is undoubtedly "Beautiful Houses. Russian architectural salon ", traditionally held in the" Crocus Expo ", in the city of Moscow.


The current year will not be an exception and the team Holz House has already started preparing to participating in this grandiouse event, which became the standard for us.


So, from October 26 to October 29, 2017 in IEC "Crocus Expo" will be the VIII International architectural and construction and interior exhibition "Beautiful Houses. Russian architectural salon ». Our stand will be installed in Pavilion No. 3, Hall No. 15.


All the flagships of the industry of production and construction of wooden houses in Russia are declared to participate in the exhibition. The status of the exhibition is indicated by the official support of the Russian Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the National Agency for Low-Rise and Cottage Construction, the Union of Architects of Russia and the Union of Moscow Architects. Agree, that not every event can be proud of such support! That's why, and thanks to the correct and convenient organization, "Beautiful Houses" collect a very large number of participants and spectators. Thematic exhibitions are held this year: "Beautiful houses", "Wooden house", "Interior salon", "Stone salon".


Holz House always carefully prepares its pavilion for this exhibition, so that our beloved customers are able to see and estimate the advantages of our products personally. We could literally touch in what we invest as much strength and skill as possible to invest. Our wooden houses from glued laminated timber are always respectable, comfortable and simply beautiful! They are being planned by our architects, they are produced by workers from northern wood in 3 of our factories, they are built and finished by our construction brigades all over the country. Just so you can see and acquire them. We are waiting for you at the exhibition!


From 26 to 29 October 2017 Moscow city, IEC "Crocus Expo", Pavilion 3, Hall 15.






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