In the city of St. Petersburg, in the CEC "EXPOFORUM", the exhibition "Zagorodom" was held.

October 18, 2017


 From October 13 to October 15, 2017, in the city of St. Petersburg, Holz House Company took part in the exhibition of country houses, building materials and engineering systems "Zagorodom", in the CEC "EXPOFORUM".


Holz House, as always, was represented by a large, beautifully designed, brightly and comprehensively showing the company's products, stand. On the assurances of numerous visitors of the exhibition, our stand was "the largest and most comfortable at the same time." The team of employees of "Holz House - St. Petersburg" cordially greeted its already held, and still only making a decision to build a house with us, customers.


First of all, it would like to note many positive trends in the work of the exhibition: it was pleased the really working atmosphere, aimed both at cooperation in the producer-consumer sector, and at work in the B2B segment. I liked the "forum" format of the event, with a lot of venues for communication and discussion of exciting issues, interesting and informative reports.


The largest number of visitors, already traditionally, was on Friday and Saturday. I would like to specially note the pleasant tendency for us - the buyer's focus is on the glued laminated timber, people study the topic, come with competent and worked out questions. This causes respect and an even greater desire to build for our clients only beautiful and quality homes. Houses by Holz House.


We also prepared a report on the topic "Construction of glued laminated timber", which was presented to the public by the director of Holz House - St. Petersburg, Igor Krysin, on Saturday, October 14.


Summarizing the aforesaid, we hope for the further development of such exhibition formats, with good organization and information support. See you, friends, we are waiting for you at our stands at future events!

Sincerely, the team Holz House.








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