Photo-report and video presentation of Holz House at the exhibition in Moscow.

November 2, 2017


Here comes to an end one of the most significant exhibition events of the year in the field of wooden house construction, "Beautiful Houses. Russian architectural salon ». Autumn 2017.


We are always very glad to work at this event with and for you, our dear partners and customers! Many smiles, new meetings with old friends, many interesting questions and, undoubtedly, much promising joint projects. Many new acquaintances and agreements, lots of interested visitors, offers and contracts were waiting for us at this exhibition.


Here is a small photo-report about Holz House's stand, our work at the exhibition, and a video presentation from our CEO, Nikolai Yuferev.


Without a doubt, one of the most representative stands at the exhibition was the stand of our company. Holz House built the real house-chalet in European style in the shortest time so that our customers could get acquainted with the products of the company in detail.



















Estimate the aesthetic and structural properties and capabilities of the main products of Holz House - glued laminated timber and glued structural beam.











The ideal combination of natural wood and the most different materials, from which furniture and decor are made, are beyond doubt.


The staff of our Moscow office cordially greeted the guests of the stand throughout the exhibition. There was a lot of communication, answers on questions. Many new, beautiful houses from glued laminated timber of Holz House, will soon appear at their lucky owners!
































And the most interesting to your attention: Interview-presentation of the Holz House stand from Nikolai Yuferev, in which he tells about Holz House's participation in the exhibition, about the company's stand and about the new technology from Holz House.



Beautiful Houses 2017. Interview-presentation from Nikolai Yuferev.

Beautiful Houses 2017. Interview-presentation from Nikolai Yuferev.





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