Round table "Investment attractiveness of monotowns: business valuation"

November 21, 2017


October 30, 2017, in Moscow was a round table "Investment attractiveness of monotowns: business valuation." The purpose of the round table is to interest business by investment opportunities of monotowns and attract residents to the sites created with the participation of the MDF, as well as the territory of advanced social and economic development (TASED).


Representatives of Holz House - the general director of the company, Nikolay Yuferev, and deputy director, Ilya Galkin - took part in the round table.


Nikolay Yuferev spoke at this event with a report on the investment project implemented by Holz House in the monotown Luza, in the Kirov region. The company is building a new, already third, plant for the production of glued laminated timber and houses from glued laminated timber. In this project, the Monotown Development Fund takes a direct part, providing on favorable terms loan funds necessary for the completion of construction. Speech by Nikolai Yuferev with the report about the project and work with the Fund, aroused a keen interest and positive response, both from representatives of entrepreneurship, and from the rest of the participants of the event. Those who still doubted whether it is worth connecting business with monotowns, after listening to the report of Nikolai Leonidovich, made a choice in favor of similar projects and cooperation with the MDF.


"Such events are very effective, they need to be conducted more. The advantage of the round table is the camera. Today in the hall were representatives of 10 monotowns, another 30 subjects were in touch. In a close circle, we were able to talk about achievements, discussed existing problems, and outline ways to address them. To strengthen the effect of such meetings, it is possible if we involve large business representatives in the discussion who could tell us about their experience of interaction with small businesses," said Irina Makieva, Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank, head of the priority program "Complexed Development of Monotowns."


Ilya Krivogov, General Director of the Monocities Development Fund, noted the importance of holding such an event, during which it appeared possibility to hear the opinion of business. "To Moscow arrived entrepreneurs, who took a risk and invested in an investment project in a monotown. They have shown to other companies by their example that the investment climate in monotowns is improving, here you can do business and achieve great results, "Ilya Krivogov stressed.


The head of the Monotown Development Fund also noted that the greatest success is achieved by companies that orienting not only  on domestic demand, but also relying on exports.





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