The Holz House quality has been checked and confirmed by Austrian experts!

November 22, 2017


Holz House is one of the few companies in Russia that are regularly, once every half-year, tested by experts from the Austrian Scientific Research Institute of Woodworking Industry, on the conformity of production technology to the highest European standards. And now, when it's time to conduct another audit of our manufacturing, to our plant in the urban-type settlement Darovskoye, Kirov region, two specialists of the Scientific Research Institute of Woodworking Industry of Austria "Holz Forschung", Messrs Bernhardt Kraus and Andreas Haider, were sent. The aim of the inspectors is to carefully inspect the production of Holz House products. Basing on everything seen and studied, they'll draw conclusions and confirm, or refute the conformity of the quality of our products to the European standard EN14080.


We will not focus on how successfully the audit was carried out, while our factory worked in its normal mode. Inspectors of a world-respected institute once again confirmed the conformity of all processes in our enterprise to European standards.


After the work was done and the relevant conclusions were formed in the proper way, we took a short interview with the real professionals of their business. Among the questions asked were:


"Please, describe, what you saw in our production, what you liked, and what might have caused the questions?" "How correct or incorrect, in your opinion, were the working processes on the enterprise organized?"  "Does the seen on the enterprise complies to your understanding of product quality and meet high standards? "


Mr. Andreas Haider responding:


"My impression of the enterprise as a whole is very positive. In particular, evaluating the production line for glued laminated timber, I can say that the enterprise operates at a very high level, which is quite comparable with the enterprises from Austria. Productioning level is very good."


Mr. Bernhardt Kraus responding:


"In addition to the said by colleague about the high level of the main production, I want to note that I am also very pleased with what I saw at the plant with regard to the production of fuel granules - pellets. Holz House, in my opinion - is a very good example of how in Russia it is possible to use waste from woodworking industries, use it intelligently, without harming nature and receiving a high-quality commercial product.


Well, let's say to our guests "thank you" for the flattering feedback and wish them a good way home, and we will continue to do what we love and know how to do - by manufacturing glued laminated timber and glued structural beams, 

and also by building magnificent houses from glued laminated timber!










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