Speech by N.L.Yuferev at the forum "MONOTOWN: PROJECTING THE FUTURE"

December 1, 2017


 Among the issues offered for discussion within the framework of the forum - What are the results of the realization of the priority program "Complexed development of monotowns" in 2017 achieved? What specific steps are needed in the near future? What is need to be done in 2018-2019? Assessment of the situation and further steps from representatives of government, business, experts.





The event was attended by more than 200 mayors, 10 governors, a large number of listeners and speakers of the forum.





Nikolay Yuferev, director of Holz House, presented at the forum the current project, in the Luza monotown, the Kirov region, the company's third plant, for the production of sets of houses from glued laminated timber. During his speech, Mr. Yuferev paid the attention of the audience to the fact that the very idea of ​​the project presented by him appeared literally in the same hall where the forum was held. Nikolay Leonidovich also focused attention of the forum participants on how much help in establishing, developing and implementating of the project is providing by the Monotowns Development Fund, how profitable are lending conditions, which at the moment Are nowhere else to find in Russia",  are provided by the fund.



Video report from this event, containing the speech of N. L. Yuferev, we offer to your attention:



Speech by N.L. Yuferev at the forum MONOTOWNS: PROJECTING THE FUTURE

Speech by N.L. Yuferev at the forum "MONOTOWNS: PROJECTING THE FUTURE"




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