New technics for Holz House arrives to the monotown Luza!

January 22, 2018


Holz House, with the support of the Monotowns Development Fund, successfully realizing a priority investment project in the city of Luza, Kirov region. The construction of a plant for the production of sets of houses from glued laminated timber is in full swing. This is the third plant of the company. To realize the project, the latest imported equipment and machinery is purchasing.


So, with the direct support of the Monotowns Development Fund, in December 2017, three new all-wheel drive grading trucks of the brand SCANIA G480 were purchased and delivered to Luza, as well as a new John Deere logging complex consisting of two machines - the Harvester 1270G and Forwarder 1210G. At the moment, the operators of the complex have completed a full course of special studying and started to work.


In addition, Holz House, also purchased in December 2017 four new brand trucks MAZ for own funds. Thus, taking into account the previously purchased technics, at the moment, the transport park of Holz House in the Luza monotown, has two logging complexes and 15 timber trucks.













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