The first investment project is completed! Effective work of the enterprise proceeds.

March 2, 2018




The company Holz House announces the successful completion of OOO “Strojjles” priority investment project in forest development

"Organization of production for logging and deep processing of wood: creation of production for the manufacture of log houses."


This is the first project of the company, which has become a priority, all obligations on which have been successfully and timely fulfilled.


Order of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation (Ministry of industry and trade of Russia) No. 521 dated 26 February 2018, quoting:

“to consider as completed the priority investment project of limited liability company "Stroyles" (Kirov region) "The organization of timber cutting and deep processing of wood: creation of manufacture on production of log houses" included in the list of priority investment projects in the field of development of the woods by the order of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2008 No. 155 "about inclusion of the investment project in the list of priority investment projects in the field of development of the woods".

Minister D. V. Manturov.»




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Congratulations and thank you to all of you who were related to the implementation of the project who worked diligently and continues to work for the company! At the moment the enterprise reached full project capacity and continues to work effectively.




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