Holz House expands its presence in Russia!

March 21, 2018




A new official representative office of the company was opened in the Republic of Tatarstan. This is the fifth branch of the company Holz House in Russia. We are located in the heart of Kazan, in the Business center "SUVAR-PLAZA", on Spartakovskaya street, house 6, office 1017.


The interior of the office space with panoramic windows was created by the company's designers. The office has all the necessary conditions for meetings and negotiations. The interior harmoniously combines elements of modern and classical styles, creates pleasant atmosphere and a private environment for its future customers.


Everyone who dreams of his own log house, can get full information about the construction of log houses from the Holz House company experts. To get acquainted with possibilities of use of a glued beam in construction, and also to be convinced of high operational properties of this environmentally friendly material.


The representative office of the company carries out a full complex of works on construction of log houses: sign contracts, architectural design, construction of the bases, building log house, roofing works, installation of windows and finishing painting of the house.


We are waiting for you and we will build the house of your dream!



















Помимо офиса в Казани, для Вас работают представительства Holz House в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Екатеринбурге и Кирове


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