2 exhibitions in Kazan in April! Holz House invites!

March 28, 2018




As you know, spring is the time of the biggest and brightest exhibition events of the year. The current year is no exception. After grandiose and very successful exhibitions for our company in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we are waited by new meetings with our favourite customers, this time in Kazan! 

Yes-Yes, we did not make a reservation, meetings as exhibitions in Kazan will pass as many as two and in both our company will take the most active part. So, we present you the first exhibition:


13-15 of April, 2018, "FirstKey Kazan" holds an event called " X exhibition of Suburban Real estate and private housing in the Mega family shopping center»

The exhibition will be held in Kazan, in the shopping center "MEGA" on Victory Avenue, house 141. Exhibition opening hours:from 10:00 - 22: 00. Our representatives will be waiting for you at exhibition stand D5.


24-27 of April, 2018, you will find an exhibition held by OAO "KAZAN FAIR". It is called "23rd international specialized exhibition VolgaStroyExpo".

Venue of the exhibition - Kazan, Orenburg tract, 8, the territory of the exhibition center "KAZAN FAIR". We have made every effort to make Holz house exhibition stand a real decoration of this exhibition, because stand is completely constructed by our experts made of glued laminated timber!


We are waiting for you in pavilion 3, exhibition stand 3.210.


Come and visit us in both exhibitions. We will be happy to tell you in details about our log houses, production and technology process, answer all your questions on the construction of log houses, show you videos and samples of Holz House products.

Bring your family, friends and relatives, we are waiting for you on our exhibition stand!





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