Video from the company TNT 43 region in the Ownership

May 31, 2018


"TNT-43 region" company, within the framework of the "Ownership" project, made a film about the new Government of the Kirov region's initiatives, which are being implemented by Holz House at the moment.


More about these initiatives and ways of their implementation, you will learn from the interview of the Deputy Chairperson of the Kirov region, Maxim Kochetkov, and also from an interview with the CEO of Holz House, Nikolai Yuferev.


The film shows fragments of the production process from the flagships of TM Holz House - the Stroiles plant in the Darovsky district, the Kirov region and the Holz House plant under construction in the Luza monotown, and also the work of the company's own laboratory. It is worth mentioning that the construction of the Holz-House plant in Luza is a priority investment project.


Also in the material the houses and commercial objects produced and built by Holz House are presernted. Comprehensive comments from the author and the host of the program leave no questions. We offer this video to your attention.



We offer You to familiarize with a plot in programs of a tele-ether or on YouTube-channel of a TV-company:


TNT - 43 region. Po-hozyaiski. Holz House.

"TNT - 43 region". "Po-hozyaiski". Holz House.




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