"The development of wooden housing in Russia" - 2018

June 20, 2018


June 15-16, in Kirov hosted the "II Forest Forum - 2018", within the framework of which the round-table "Development of wooden house-building in Russia" was held. The moderator of the round table was the general director of Holz House - Nikolai Leonidovich Yuferev. With a welcoming speech at the opening of the forum were the Governor of the Kirov region Igor Vasilyev and Maxim Kochetkov - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kirov region.


Pavilion "Sphere" - one of two large projects specially designed for the forum, was created by the team of Holz House with the use of glued structural beams. It brought together leading investors and representatives of timber processing industries, both in the Kirov region and in other regions.

In the number the invited it is worth especially mentioning to the representatives of "Segezha Group", the company "Almis", Novovyatsky NLK, Murashinsky plywood factory, Zheshartsky plywood factory, which ones presented their enterprises brightly and interestingly. Sberbank presented new products for business.


The program of the speakers of the round table was also full of interesting performances.

Oleg Panitkov - Director of the Association of Wooden Housing of Russia, made a presentation on the possibilities of using engineering wood in construction, as well as the state and prospects for the development of the homeland market of wooden housing construction.

Let's note an excellent performance of Vladimir Kuzmin - the architect, the laureate of the model design competition AHML, who, brightly and with excellent knowledge of the matter, told by the audience about the current trends in modern wooden architecture.

A representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation presented the report "The Development of Wooden Housing in Russia. Measures of state support ».


A special place at the forum is occupied by another specially prepared facility: a Feldsher-Midwife Station for rural areas with an area of ​​77 square meters. meter. The project was created on the initiative of the government of the Kirov region, designed at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, by students of the Vyatka State University, and was built on the Theater Square of Kirov by specialists from Holz House. FMS was presented personally by Nikolai Yuferev - General Director of Holz House. After the end of all activities, this facility will go to the village of Borovitsa, Luzsky district, Kirov region, to receive the first patients! Over time, the entire Kirov region is planned to equip by the similar stations in remote, or hard-to-reach areas.


The head of the government, the media and the general public were presented other developments, including a fitness and health complex, built of glued laminated timber and a police station, also designed by representatives of the Vyatka State University architectural center and prepared for implementation by a team of Holz House specialists.


In general, the whole event had a clearly positive character. Participants and guests were given an opportunity to get a close look at the products and interesting projects of enterprises of the timber industry complex of the Kirov region, exchange contacts and build new ties, listen and see many interesting performances from various forum forums.


We, the Holz House team, are heartly grateful to all participants of the exhibition, people, without the work and good will of which, such events simply would not have been possible. We especially want to note the living interest of the regional press and thank the media representatives for the professional and competent coverage of the event.












































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