Report from the opening of the first line of the new, third Holz House plant in the town of Luza, Kirov region.

April 24, 2017


Manufacture of glued laminated timber. Holz House factory.

Manufacture of glued laminated timber. Holz House factory.




Spring morning, April 20, in the town of Luza, which is located in the very north of the Kirov region, was sunny, but cool. How else? This is the North, severe and magnificent, in its beauty! But we do not have time to freeze, today we have a happy day, today is the day that we dreamed about for so long, to which we were preparing. Birthday and solemn opening of the first stage of the new third Holz House plant in the Kirov region.


So, it has happened. The last preparations, all the worries of the past twelve months, recede, before the radiant brilliance of this day. We built the first line of the new plant: a sawmill shop, equipped with the latest equipment in the woodworking industry, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, drying chambers, which allow us to prepare raw materials for the future production of Holz House - glued laminated timber. Equipped the enterprise of own boiler room. We carry out preparatory work for the construction and launch of subsequent production lines. We have done a nice job, and now, the first line of the new plant is ready, and we are ready to introduce it to our guests.


By the way about the guests! Among the invited and attended event are the first persons of the region - the interim Governor of the Kirov Igor Vasiliev, the director of the monotowns development fund Ilya Krivogov, the speaker of the legislative assembly of the Kirov region Vladimir Bykov, mass-media representatives, industry colleagues, buyers, employees, and just friends of Holz House.


Guests began to arrive from the early morning, inspect the site and premises of the enterprise, observing production, highly estimating the volume of investment in construction, the quality of equipment and products. Communication with the guests took place both in an official atmosphere, with a lot of welcoming speeches from the guests of Holz House and the founders of the company, and in a cozy business zone. During the meeting, a lot of exciting and topical questions were asked, to which Nikolai Leonidovich, Sergei Leonidovich Yuferevy, and other employees of the company, answered with pleasure.


What is the capacity of the plant and production volumes? The design capacity of the plant, at the end of all stages of construction will be 17 thousand cubic meters of houses from glued beams, 73 thousand cubic meters of edged sawn timber and 60 thousand cubic meters of fuel chips per year.


Who will the plant be provided with work ? At the moment, at the enterprises of the company Holz House, in various regions of the region, about 600 people are involved and provided with work. The newly built enterprise will allow to solve the problem of providing work for 198 people living in Luza.


What are the investment volumes and when does the enterprise plan to reach full capacity? The total amount of investments from Holz House in this investment project will be about 437 million rubles, and the full design capacity of the company is planned to withdraw by the end of 2018.


What will the plant be after the completion of all construction and commissioning, the production of the first test samples of the final product - a high-quality glued timber? We at Holz House are confident in our products, competent and consistent management, the desire to work and delight our products with our customers that we have already made us one of the most successful, well-equipped and modern enterprises of the industry - ! So - the plant is going be! And going to be the development of your native region!














































A separate accent and a real surprise, for all our guests, was a demonstration house with an area of ​​125 sq.m., built by the specialists of Holz House, which, as it calling, "from scratch" all ...




In this case, the house was fully equipped with communications, that are necessary for a complete living, supplied with electricity, water and sanitation, mounted and connected heating equipment, the entire spectrum of civil engineering works were made with high quality and all of this, again, in just 12 days! This house was demonstrated to our guests and representatives of the press and was appreciated.









We bring to your attention the video from the opening of the Holz House plant in Luza, the Kirov region, filmed by VGTRK Vyatka correspondents. In the interview with the interim Governor of the Kirov Igor Vasiliev, the director of the monotowns development fund Ilya Krivogov, the general director of Holz House company Nikolai Yuferev. Take a look.



Opening of a factory for the production of glued laminated timber Holz House in Luza. VGTRK.

Opening of a factory for the production of glued laminated timber Holz House in Luza. VGTRK.



A videotape about how this memorable day passed.



HOLZ HOUSE. Opening of a new plant.

HOLZ HOUSE. Opening of a new plant.




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