Cluster of wooden house construction and deep wood processing in the Kirov region

August 14, 2018


On the website of the government of the Kirov region, an order was published to establish a working group for the creation of a cluster of wooden housing construction and enterprises for deep processing of timber in the Kirov region.


The document is designed to "implement the Concept of the development of wooden house-building in the Kirov region for the years 2018-2030," the organization of interdepartmental cooperation on the creation of a cluster of wooden housing construction and enterprises of deep wood processing. The decree also approves the composition of the group. The regional minister of forestry Sergey Salin was appointed chairman. Deputy. the chairman of the group is his deputy Dmitry Lebedev.


The group includes 10 more people: representatives of the departments of the Ministry of Industry, property relations and investment policy, economic development and entrepreneurship support.

From the business community in the group is the director of LLC "Holtz House" (deputy chairman of the group) Nikolai Yuferev.

Also on the list is the director of the Vyatka Polytechnic Institute Ivan Gubin.


From the representatives of the infrastructure objects of business support there are two people in the group, the head of the cluster development department of KOEFPMSP Olga Gabdrakhmanova and the head of the Youth Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship "Business Incubator" of Vyatka State University Sergey Tolstobrov.


Based on the materials of the publication "Business News" (Kirov).





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