Opening of the Holz House plant in the monotown Luza

April 6, 2017


On April 20, 2017, in the town of Luza (Kirov region), the first line of the new, already third woodworking plant of the Holz House company (Holts House LLC) will be opened.


The construction of a new enterprise is the implementation of a priority investment project in the area of ​​forest development. Among the invited - the first persons of the region, fund for the development of monotowns and federal forest complex, representatives of television, radio and the press.


The plant is focused on the producing of sawn timber, production of glued laminated timber, production of finished houses from glued laminated timber. The design capacity of the plant, at the end of all stages of construction, will be 17 thousand cubic meters of houses from glued laminated timber, 73 thousand cubic meters of edged sawed timber and 60 thousand cubic meters of fuel chips per year. At the moment, at the enterprises of the company Holz House, in various areas of the region, about 600 people are involved and provided with work. The newly built enterprise will allow to solve the problem of providing work for 198 people, who living in Luza.


In its history, Holz House has established itself as the largest producer of houses from glued laminated timber in the Volga Federal District, confidently entering the top five of the largest and most successful enterprises in Russia in its industry. It will be proved by the new plant, which was built within the framework of the federal investment project and equipped with the most advanced equipment and technologies.


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