Mass media about the Holz House company.

Reports, articles, essays, business news.


  • "Business-Navigator" newspaper, Kirov, №388 August 07, 2017

    "Business-Navigator" newspaper, Kirov, №388 August 07, 2017

    In the 30th (388th) issue of the periodical "Business Navigator" an article was published about an arriving of the head of the region with a working visit to the Holz House plant in the village of urban type Darovskoy.



  • "Business News" newspaper, Kirov, №445, 06 August 2017

    "Business News" newspaper, Kirov, №445, 06 August 2017

    In the 31st (445th) issue of the periodical "Business News" an article about a visiting of the Holz House plant in Darovskiy by Acting Governor of the Kirov region I.V. Vasilyev were published.



  • "Business News" newspaper, Kirov, №430, 10 May 2017

    "Business News" newspaper, Kirov, №430, 10 May 2017

    In the 16th (430th) issue of the periodical "Business News" a detailed article about the opening of the first stage of the new, third by count, Holz House plant in the monocity Luza was published.



  • " Wooden Houses " journal №72 / 2017. "Building"

    " Wooden Houses " journal №72 / 2017. "Building"

    In the 72nd issue of the magazine " Wooden Houses ", in the rubric "Construction", a large article about one of the most interesting objects from Holz House was published. The article is called: "Altaian History".



  • " Wooden Houses " journal №72 / 2017."Workshop"

    " Wooden Houses " journal №72 / 2017."Workshop"

    In the 72nd issue of the magazine " Wooden Houses ", in the rubric "Workshop", a large article about the Holz House produce was published. The article is called: "Austrian quality in Russia".



  • " Out-of-town Reviews " magazine, St. Petersburg

    " Out-of-town Reviews " magazine, St. Petersburg

    In the issue of the periodical " Out-of-town Reviews ", St. Petersburg, a new article about HOLZ HOUSE was published.



  • "Business News" newspaper, Kirov, №425, 19 March 2017

    "Business News" newspaper, Kirov, №425, 19 March 2017

    In the issue 425, from March 19, 2017, the newspaper "Business News" came out a volume article - interview with the CEO of Hols House, Nikolai Leonidovich Yuferov. The article is called "The wood does not grind wood". We suggest to familiarize with it on our pages.



  • " Out-of-town Reviews " magazine, St. Petersburg

    " Out-of-town Reviews " magazine, St. Petersburg

    In the issue of the periodical " Out-of-town Reviews ", St. Petersburg, a new article about HOLZ HOUSE was published.




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