Advantages of houses

made of glued laminated lumber


Advantages of houses made of glued laminated lumber
against other housing construction technologies




Glued laminated lumber by Holz House is a perfect building material that does not lose its form, retains its shape and dimensions over time. Only high-quality pine and spruce from the north of the Kirov region is used as a raw material for the production of glued laminated lumber by Holz House.





A house from glued laminated lumber takes care of your health





It is known that many building materials can cause allergic reactions, especially for children. Unlike other materials, glued wood is a natural and environmentally friendly product that does not have a negative effect on a human body. Glued laminated lumber by Holz House is produced with safe glue by Akzo Nobel, which does not contain formaldehyde (the highest class – E1). A similar adhesive composition is used in the production of wooden utensils and children's furniture.

Therefore, our glued laminated lumber corresponds to the highest European standard EN14080. The thickness of the adhesive joint is only 0.3 mm, while the glue itself is located inside the lumber, not in contact with the air area of the premises. Glued laminated lumber keeps a natural air exchange and water-vapor permeability of wood, this is why we can say that wooden houses can "breathe".





It is always comfortable in a house made of glued laminated lumber





Glued laminated lumber by Holz House has a high thermal insulation ability.
Wooden walls of a house accumulate warm air and evenly distribute it inside premises, maintaining an optimal balance of temperature and humidity. In winter, such room can be heated quickly and easily, and in summer it can never be too hot. Therefore, houses made of glued laminated lumber are perfect for both permanent residence and seasonal recreation.




A house made of glued laminated lumber saves your money




Houses by Holz House have high energy efficiency. Special design of the notch block directs the air entry between the timber work, and the presence of a windtight groove eliminates a possibility of blowing almost completely. This ensures a minimum coefficient of heat losses of the house, and as a result, the reduction of its heating costs in winter.





Houses made of glued laminated lumber are reliable





Glued laminated lumber is stronger than solid wood. This is due to peculiarities of gluing individual lamellas and subsequent pressing of them helping to achieve the maximum strength and avoiding a natural phenomenon of solid wood - internal stress that eventually leads to deformation (cupping (torsion) of the material and appearance of checks). And any deformation brings inevitable deterioration of thermal conductivity and acceleration of processes of destruction of wood. Due to this, wooden structures of houses made of glued laminated lumber have correct geometry and the bearing capacity of the structure increases.




Glued laminated lumber is a ready-made building material




High quality of surface and aesthetic characteristics of glued laminated lumber allow to stop using finishing materials almost completely. Glued laminated lumber is universal in the interior of a house: you can leave the natural texture of the beam using glazing compounds or paint walls in any shade using covering paint material.





Houses made of glued laminated lumber are built quickly





Construction timing of houses made of glued laminated lumber is incomparably less than construction timing of houses by other technologies. Installation of a 250 m2 house made of glued laminated lumber by Holz House on a ready foundation is 3-4 weeks.




You can live in a house made of glued laminated lumber right away




The house made of glued laminated lumber does not require time for shrinkage (shrinkage average is 1-2%). This allows to start finishing works immediately after the assembly of walls and supporting structures and to build houses all year round.





Fire safety of houses made of glued laminated lumber





Fire resistance of glued laminated lumber is order of magnitude higher than that of not only other technologies of wooden housing construction, but also steel structures. When burning, steel becomes malleable and starts to drip. Also, it loses its load-bearing properties. Houses built of aerated concrete, or, for example, foamed concrete blocks break down in fire. The same cannot be said for wood - its thermal conductivity is such that log, burning from one side, practically does not heat up on the other. Special fire-retarding agents, applied to the surface layer of wood, turn it into a flame retardant material with different degrees of fire resistance.




Fire resistance of glued laminated lumber


It does not burn!

It does not burn!







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