
 Holz House company news.


"The development of wooden housing in Russia" - 2018

June 15-16, in Kirov hosted the "II Forest Forum - 2018", within the framework of which the round-table "Development of wooden house-building in Russia" was held. We bring to your attention a report on the event . (Many photos!)



New projects from Holz House Company

New projects in the style of Fachwerk, or its more modern modifications, called "post-and-beam", we bring to your attention.



Video from the company TNT 43 region in the Ownership

"TNT-43 region" company, within the framework of the "Ownership" project, made a film about the new Government of the Kirov region's initiatives, which are being implemented by Holz House at the moment.



Holz House - Future technologies today in erecting objects.

Holz House company continue building large-scale object in the Republic of Belarus. It's a magnificent country hunting club, familiarity with which for our audience was held this winter. At this point of time already built and successfully handed over to the customer: MAIN HOUSE (517 sq.m.), GUEST HOUSE (430 sq.m.), BATHHOUSE (251 sq.m.) and more than 6 small architecture forms: arbor, barbecue, pantry. Common building area is more than 1323 sq.m.



The ecological exhibition-fair "TREE + House Cottage Dacha" will be held with the participation of Holz House!

May 16-18, 2018, in the city of Yekaterinburg, the annual Ural environmental exhibition-fair, which is being held by OAO "Interregional Exhibition Company-Ural", will start its work.



23rd international exhibition VolgaStroyExpo in Kazan.

24-27 of April 2018, in Kazan began its work exhibition, which is organized by OAO "KAZANSKAYA YARMARKA".

It is called "23rd international specialized exhibition VolgaStroyExpo".



The volume of wooden housing construction in the Kirov region will increase

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the region Maxim Kochetkov and General Director
of the Association of Wooden Housing Oleg Panitkov discussed the prospects for the development of wooden housing in the Kirov region. The working meeting was also attended by representatives of the regional forestry ministry and the general director of LLC "Holz House" Nikolai Yuferev.



"X exhibition of Suburban real estate and private housing in the Mega family shopping center" in Kazan.

The exhibition began its work in Kazan, in the shopping center "MEGA" on Victory Avenue, house 141.

Exhibition opening hours: from 10:00 - 22:00. Our representatives are waiting for you at stand D5.



Exhibition " Your cottage. Low-rise and cottage construction " in Samara city.

10th interregional specialized Exhibition " Your cottage. Low-rise and cottage construction "started its work 12 of April, 2018 in "Expo-Volga",

at the address: Samara city, Michurina str., 23a.






Выбор региона

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