
 Holz House company news.


New technics for Holz House arrives to the monotown Luza!

Holz House, with the support of the Monotowns Development Fund, successfully realizing a priority investment project in the city of Luza, Kirov region. The construction of a plant for the production of sets of houses from glued laminated timber is in full swing. This is the third plant of the company. To realize the project, the latest imported equipment and machinery is purchasing.



XV International Exhibition "Wooden House. Spring - 2018 » 01/19/2018

Dear customers, partners, friends! This year the XV International Exhibition "Wooden House. Spring - 2018 "will be held much earlier than usual. It will be held from 1 to 4 March 2018 in the IEC "Crocus Expo".



Hunting club on the project "Austria". A complex of chalets and outbuildings made of glued laminated timber.

Today we are proud to present our new realized project! This is not a separate building, but a whole complex consisting of several chalets, made of glued laminated timber, united by the "Austria" project and a number of small architectural objects, such as a bathhouse, various pavilions and gazebos. Everything in the aggregate forms a single architectural-spatial solution in the most beautiful place, on the shore of a picturesque river.



Holz House is successfully certified by FSC!

The availability of the FSC certificate is proofing that the products coming from forests, in which forest management is conducted in accordance with FSC principles and criteria. An organization, that has such a certificate, conducts an environmentally, economically and socially responsible activity.



Speech by N.L.Yuferev at the forum "MONOTOWN: PROJECTING THE FUTURE"

From November 30 to December 1, 2017 in the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, a congress (forum) of mayors of mono-towns "MONOTOWNS: PROJECTING THE FUTURE"



The Holz House quality has been checked and confirmed by Austrian experts!

Holz House is one of the few companies in Russia that are regularly, once every half-year, tested by experts from the Austrian Scientific Research Institute of Woodworking Industry, on the conformity of production technology to the highest European standards.



Round table "Investment attractiveness of monotowns: business valuation"

October 30, 2017, in Moscow was a round table "Investment attractiveness of monotowns: business valuation." The purpose of the round table is to interest business by investment opportunities of monotowns and attract residents to the sites created with the participation of the MDF, as well as the territory of advanced social and economic development (TASED).



House of glued laminated timber and a steam bath. Montelimar project.

Today we want to introduce you with our new realized project, called Montelimar, consisting of 2 objects located on one plot.



Photo-report and video presentation of Holz House at the exhibition in Moscow.

Закончила свою работу выставка «Красивые Дома. Российский архитектурный салон». Осень 2017. Наш фото-отчет и видео-презентация с данного мероприятия - Вашему вниманию.




Holz House invites! "Beautiful houses. Russian architectural salon ». Autumn 2017.

Today the most significant, the most important exhibition of the year in the field of wooden housing construction, "Beautiful Houses. Russian architectural salon » was started!






Выбор региона

Респ АдыгеяРесп БашкортостанРесп БурятияРесп АлтайРесп ДагестанРесп ИнгушетияРесп Кабардино-БалкарскаяРесп КалмыкияРесп Карачаево-ЧеркесскаяРесп КарелияРесп КомиРесп Марий ЭлРесп МордовияРесп Саха /Якутия/Респ Северная Осетия - АланияРесп ТатарстанРесп ТываРесп УдмуртскаяРесп ХакасияРесп ЧеченскаяЧувашская Республика - ЧувашияАлтайский крайКраснодарский крайКрасноярский крайПриморский крайСтавропольский крайХабаровский крайАмурская облАрхангельская облАстраханская облБелгородская облБрянская облВладимирская облВолгоградская облВологодская облВоронежская облИвановская облИркутская облКалининградская облКалужская облКамчатский крайКемеровская область - КузбассКировская облКостромская облКурганская облКурская облЛенинградская облЛипецкая облМагаданская облМосковская облМурманская облНижегородская облНовгородская облНовосибирская облОмская облОренбургская облОрловская облПензенская облПермский крайПсковская облРостовская облРязанская облСамарская облСаратовская облСахалинская облСвердловская облСмоленская облТамбовская облТверская облТомская облТульская облТюменская облУльяновская облЧелябинская облЗабайкальский крайЯрославская облг Москваг Санкт-ПетербургЕврейская АоблНенецкий АОХанты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра АОЧукотский АОЯмало-Ненецкий АОРесп Крымг Севастопольг Байконур
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