
 Holz House company news.


Holz House - in the list of participants of the program of subsidizing loans for the purchase of prefabricated wooden houses!

Holz House is included in the list of participants in the program of subsidizing loans for the purchase of prefabricated wooden houses.



2 exhibitions in Kazan in April! Holz House invites!

As you know, spring is the time of the biggest and brightest exhibition events of the year. The current year is no exception. After grandiose and very successful exhibitions for our company in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we are waited by new meetings with our favourite customers, this time in Kazan!



Holz House expands its presence in Russia!

A new official representative office of the company was opened in the Republic of Tatarstan. This is the fifth branch of the company Holz House in Russia. We are located in the heart of Kazan, in the Business center "SUVAR-PLAZA", on Spartakovskaya street, house 6, office 1017.



The jubilee exhibition "Building a House" was held!

The 20th, the jubilee exhibition "Building a House" was held in the city of St. Petersburg. Our large and beautiful stand met Petersburg residents and guests of the Northern capital on March 17 and 18, 2018. The event took place at the Lenexpo exhibition complex.



The first investment project is completed! Effective work of the enterprise proceeds.

The company Holz House announces the successful completion of OOO “Strojjles” priority investment project in forest development

"Organization of production for logging and deep processing of wood: creation of production for the manufacture of log houses."



Holz House at the exhibition in “Crocus Expo"!


XV international exhibition "Wooden house" started its work in Moscow. Spring 2018»

The exhibition takes place from 1 to 4 March 2018 at the IEC "Crocus EXPO".



Anniversary exhibition "Building a house" took place!

20th anniversary exhibition "Building a house" was held in St. Petersburg. Our large and beautiful exhibition stand welcomed St. Petersburg residents and guests of the Northern capital on 17 of March and 18 of March 2018. The event was held in the exhibition complex "Lenexpo". 



Holz House conquers the Asian markets!

Holz House Company informs about the beginning of cooperation with our clients in the field of supply of sets of houses from glued laminated timber to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. So, in January 2018 the first house of glued beam of Holz House was successfully manufactured at the company's factory and sent to Korea.



Building of a woodworking shop is the next step forward!

Holz House, with the support of the Monotown Development Fund, successfully realizing a priority investment project in the city of Luza, Kirov region. The construction of a plant for the production of sets of houses from glued laminated timber is in full swing. This is the third plant of the company. To realize the project, the latest imported equipment and machinery is purchasing.



Holz House and Sberbank of Russia

Holz House Company announces the beginning of cooperation in the field of lending to individuals for the acquisition or construction of real estate with the Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia" (General License for Banking Operations No. 1481 of August 11, 2015)






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