
 Holz House company news.


In the city of St. Petersburg, in the CEC "EXPOFORUM", the exhibition "Zagorodom" was held.

From October 13 to October 15, 2017, in the city of St. Petersburg, Holz House Company took part in the exhibition of country houses, building materials and engineering systems "Zagorodom", in the CEC "EXPOFORUM".



"Beautiful houses. Russian Architectural Salon ", in" Crocus Expo ", in Moscow city.

So, from October 26 to October 29, 2017 in IEC "Crocus Expo" will be the VIII International architectural and construction and interior exhibition "Beautiful Houses. Russian architectural salon ». Our stand will be installed in Pavilion No. 3, Hall No. 15.



Holz House invites to the exhibition "Zagorodom", in the CEC "EXPOFORUM", the city of St. Petersburg.

From October 13 to 15, 2017, in the city of St. Petersburg, we are waiting for you at our stand, at the exhibition of country houses, building materials and engineering systems "Zagorodom" in the CEC "EXPOFORUM", pavilion G.



Holz House invites you to the exhibition "100+ Forum Russia 2017" in Yekaterinburg!

The team of the Yekaterinburg office Holz House takes part in the exhibition "100+ Forum Russia 2017", which will take place in Ekaterinburg, IEC "Ekaterinburg Expo" from 4 to 6 October 2017.



Round table "What is needed for the quality of modern wooden architecture?". Moscow. "Gostiny Dvor". October 7, 2017.

Nikolai Yuferev, CEO of Holz House, will take part in the round-table, called "What is needed for the quality of modern wooden architecture?", which will be held on October 7 at 12:00 in the Gostiny Dvor, in the Lecture Hall.




The first Kirov enterprise received funding from the Monotowns Development Fund

The Supervisory Board of the Fund decided to grant a soft loan for the implementation of the project Holz House LLC in the monotown Luza. Federal financing will allow the company to complete the construction of its third glulam timber plant ahead of schedule.



Holz House at the forum "Uralstroyindustry" in Ufa.

Holz House Company takes part in the forum "Uralstroyindustry", which takes place from September 26 to 29, 2017, in the city of Ufa. The program of the forum includes specialized exhibitions "Construction", "Real Estate", "Woodworking". We invite you to visit our company's stand!



New materials on the project "Bear's corner"

Dear colleagues, dear friends! The team of Holz House is proud to present to you a selection of newly placed materials on one of our most interesting realized projects "Bear's corner".



Holz House - the organizer of the forum "Day of wooden house-building" in Kirov

Organized by the Holz House company,  forum "the Day of Wooden Housing", in the contest  "Logger 2017" competition, has become a platform for a lively exchange of views between industrialists, architects and government representatives. The ideas expressed during the presentations and discussions can become the fundament for a whole number of a projects in the scientific, cultural and business spheres.



Igor Vasiliev visited the production of Holz House

The head of the region, Igor Vasiliev, visited the urban-type settlement Darovskoy, praised the work of the enterprise for the production of houses from glued beams - the plant company Holz House. 






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